New Moon in Virgo- Back to the Basics, Earthy Hustle, Wax On...Wax Off

On Sept 2nd/3rd, we have the productive New Moon in Virgo at 11 degrees. New Moons herald the slate being wiped clean to begin again. They represent new starts, growing projects and new plans. Virgo, the 6th zodiac sign is known to represent service, health matters, organized thinking and methodical reasoning.
The New Moon in Virgo is here to bring us back to the basics of life. It is time to wipe clean the previous Leo vibes of partying and get down to business. Virgo energy is special in the sense that it is so humble yet so productive and efficient. This is a great new moon to do a spring/fall cleanse of your home, reorganize important projects and come from a place of service. This New Moon wants you to connect with the earth and ground your energies into something meaningful + productive. The details of any endeavor will be super important now. Going deep into an intellectual rabbit hole could be common now. This is a great time to also pay attention to health matters. Many folks could finally find solutions to any health ailments or begin a new wellness routine that helps them feel more grounded and centered.
The New Moon in Virgo will be making a contentious opposition(180 degree aspect) to Saturn, the planet of hardships, obligations and wisdom who is currently in the sign of Pisces. The New Moon in opposition to Saturn could create heavier and more karmic implications to our actions. It could feel exciting to begin these new plans but there will be hurdles and lessons with Saturn involved. The good news is that anything you begin now, whether it be a business project or wellness initiative has long lasting staying power. Saturn solidifies anything he touches. While hard work and extra stamina is required, there is the chance to create long term success with whatever you begin now.
For folks with their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs on or close to 11 degrees of Virgo or the other mutable signs of: Gemini, Sagittarius or Pisces, will be impacted by this New Moon the most. Expect to hustle and grind now. All big areas of your life are up for review with detailed precision. Your physical body, family, relationships and career could all be getting a big upgrade. For everyone else, check where 11 degrees of Virgo falls in your natal chart to see where these detailed new plans will be popping up for you. I of course will be doing a special extended sign forecast for each sign via my Patreon page. I give personalized guidance and tips on how to best navigate this new moon.
The New Moon in Virgo is here to ground our spirits in the essence of service and giving back. No other sign is as committed to serving others as a dutiful Virgo. It is time to focus on the small moments that sometimes we overlook. We could discover that those small moments are actually the most meaningful in our lives. It is time to declutter, clean and reorganize our lives. Getting back to the basics on many levels will feel gratifying and cleansing. The New Moon in Virgo is here to offer a new dawn of getting back to business, organized thought and rational to our plans and the privilege and miracle of being of service to the self + others.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this service oriented New Moon in Virgo, please join me over on my Patreon page:
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus on for this new moon. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love and support!
© Astromomma, 2024
Image: @spookygirlart
#astrologyupdates #astrology #Virgo #newmoon #Summer #Mutable #Saturn #Earth #beginnings #hardwork #service #organized #clean #efficiency #studious #communication