On February 23rd/24th, Mars, the planet of action, purpose and drive FINALLY turns direct at 16 degrees of Cancer. Mars has been retrograde in Cancer since early December 2024. Cancer the 4th zodiac sign deals with home, family, nurturing, protection and sensitivity.
Get ready to see things move and groove with Mars direct in Cancer. Out of all the inner planet retrogrades, I tend to find Mars's retrograde the most challenging. This is due to the fact that Mars represents our willpower, drive and ambition to accomplish and get things done.
Every 2 years Mars turns retrograde and things slow down and we are asked to turn our ambition and willpower inwardly and to redirect and reflect. Mars doesn't feel super comfy in the sign of Cancer. Mars is the warrior planet and he is in the sign of the home and family. He wants to fight and conquer and Cancer wants to domesticate and nurture. Quite opposing energies. This has made this retrograde phase even more challenging and at times frustrating. Emotional outbursts or just extreme moodiness could have been the norm over the last 6 weeks. Retaliation in the form of repressed emotional reactions could have also been quite common.
With Mars now direct in Cancer it is time to finally see shit move and big breakthroughs are on the horizon. While it will take Mars about a month or so to really get up and rolling, slowly, day by day you will notice that your vitality will increase and solutions + actions to your issues will begin to happen.
Mars direct in Cancer is a great time to begin any home repairs, purchases or to focus on resolving any issues with family or deeper emotional patterns. Depending on what house Mars is transiting in your natal chart, progress and purpose return in a big way. Emotional issues or power struggles around anything that brings you security and safety will begin to be resolved. I will of course be doing a special extended sign forecast on my Patreon page to let you know where to focus your energy to make the most out of Mars going direct.
Mars direct in the sign of the crab is ready to help you overcome your obstacles and see a green light to move forward. The warrior planet direct wants you to now take action especially around your emotions and the ability to be strong yet vulnerable. Many folks will finally see progress in their projects and plans. If things have felt stalled or just stagnant in energy, there are miraculous shifts ahead.
Especially once we get to April, Mars returns back to Leo, the sign where he first went retrograde and lots of fiery and passionate beginnings or restarts will occur. Mars direct in Cancer is ready to hit the go button on your goals and ambitions, bring back a protective + nurturing energy into your life and have you finally see progress for all of your sacrifices and patience.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this powerful + special aspect of Mars going direct in Cancer, please join me over on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus + work on for this very important transit of Mars going direct. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love and support!
© Astromomma, 2025
Image: Vega Mission Red Planet by Ankudinov Vadim
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