On February 12th, we have the bright and BOLD Full Moon at 24 degrees of Leo. Full Moons herald lots and lots of feelings to rise from the depths of our souls to the surface. Full moons are all about completions, manifestations and culmination. Leo, the 5th zodiac sign is known to be a leader, passionate, generous, gregarious, loving and creative.
Time to be SEEN and HEARD with this passionate darling of a Full Moon! No playing small or being bashful! The HEAT is ON with this lunation!! Lots of dramatic displays of emotions are sure to be the norm now.
The Full Moon in Leo is here to bring forth lots of passionate and leadership driven vibes on to the scene. Leo is an interesting sign. On one hand, Leo is all about being a leader and honoring one's unique and creative self expression. On the other hand, Leo rules the 5th house of children so there is an external youth to these folks that you can't ignore. Regal and child like. Seems contradictory but that is the magnificence of this fiery sign.
The Leo Full Moon could conjure up our more sensational emotions to be expressed and heard. No playing coy with this baby! Creative and artistic projects could flourish now and along with the Aquarius Sun, this is a great full moon to go after what you desire and to do it in style and with your own unique interpretation. Warmth and love are also highlighted and it's perfect to have this Full Moon so close to Valentine's day ( even for those who are like whatever lol) as Leo rules the heart and there will be plenty of heart centered mojo happening at this time.
The RUB is in the aspects that this Full Moon in Leo makes to its other planetary sisters and brothers. The first aspect will be a tense and I mean tense square ( 90 degree aspect) to Uranus, the planet of surprises and shocks who is currently in the sign of Taurus. Uranus in Taurus in a battle with the Full Moon in Leo will add in some unique challenges and surprises to these passionate and creative plans. The main energy of this aspect is FIXED and STUBBORN. Folks will have to watch out for being super "dug in" and "righteous" around the time of this Full Moon. The second aspect will be another tense opposition (180 degree aspect) to Mercury, the planet of the mind, communication and business which is currently in the sign of Aquarius. Mercury in Aquarius in standoff with the Full Moon in Leo will create radical declarations that might be half genius and half outrageous. The need to be "right" might outweigh logical reasoning at this time. Again, with all these fixed signs in the mix, diplomacy and malleability will be lacking. Compromise and flexibility are always favored but they are now advised more than ever. Just because you are "right" doesn't mean you need to let everyone else know. Some folks should re-read that last sentence a few times lol
For folks with their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs on or close to 24 degrees of Leo or the other fixed signs of: Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius are the most impacted by this drama queen full moon. Expect the unexpected with our homie Uranus in the mix. Big and life altering endings and manifestations could occur with little to no notice. Keeping your cool is alway challenging during a full moon but especially with Mars retrograde ( the planet of aggression and anger) it is even more imperative to keep your cool and not overact. For everyone else, check where 24 degrees of Leo falls in your natal birth chart to see where these uber creative and uber creative vibes of self expression will be happening for you!
The Full Moon in Leo is here to warm our heart and to expand our capacity to believe in ourselves. Every opposing sign shares attributes with one another and Aquarius ( sun) + Leo ( moon) share the common principle of being true to oneself and honoring your unique perspective. It is time to go out there and to express your creative talents with wild abandonment and joy. It is time to have FUN! Remember what the hell FUN is lol! The world needs a dash of lightness and the act of coming back to the heart more than ever. The Full Moon in Leo is here to usher in a heart awakening, give us a boost of confidence and courage and to remind us that life doesn't have to be so damn heavy all the time... it is time to tap into our inner child to find joy and laughter once more.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this powerful + special Full Moon in Leo, please join me over on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma
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P.S. I have just recently opened up my personal readings again after a 2 1/2 year hiatus.
Due to the MASSIVE + life changing planetary shifts of 2025, this the perfect time to order a personal reading for yourself or others especially with the intense changes coming up this year: https://www.astromomma.com/pages/readings
© Astromomma, 2025
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