Lunar Eclipse in Taurus- The Fulfillment of Nurturing Yourself + Others, Solid + Steady, The Manifestation of Your Financial Dreams

On October 28th, we have the life changing and massive Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Taurus. Lunar Eclipses are full moons on steroids. They entail massive endings, culminations and manifestations. Taurus, the 2nd zodiac sign is known to be security focused, practical, sensual and comfort driven.
Get ready! This Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is ready to bring in unbelievable change related to our sense of security and financial situations. This is the LAST eclipse in the Taurus/Scorpio cycle that began in 2021. Whatever you started that year will come to an end now and all of your hard work and sacrifices will be rewarded.
This eclipse is paired with the North Node which is a fated elliptical point on the moon's axis which deals with our destiny, sense of direction and our most fulfilled path. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus with the North Node will add more dramatic and future focused events that will change the trajectory of our lives.
The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is here to bring in lots of newfound levels of security and financial blessings into our lives. This is a wonderful position for the Moon as she is exalted or "in her comfort zone" in the loving sign of Taurus. The focus will be on the tangible aspects of life and the earthy realms of our existence. Some folks could see huge windfalls of money at this time and a new sense of feeling grounded and secure in the self will be in focus. The higher vibration of the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will be a reliable and steady presence of abundance and prosperity in our lives. The lower vibration of the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will be a stubborn and fixed nature that is overly concerned with security + our finances. There is a balance now between honoring our desire for security while also being able to trust the process of the universe to create such abundance.
For those born on or around this eclipse or personal planets at 5 degrees ( or close within 2 degrees +/-) of the fixed signs of : Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius will be most impacted by this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Expect HUGE and LIFE CHANGING events to rock your world. Your life will look very differently after this massive lunation. The best way to deal with eclipse energy is to surrender to these changes and to not resist. A lot of fortunate and destiny driven events will be coming into your life over the next 6 months-1 year. For everyone else, check where 5 degrees of Taurus falls in your natal chart to see where these security + financially abundant changes will be taking place.
The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is here to bring forth a sensual and loving culmination of security and financial stability into our lives. This Lunar Eclipse wants you to feel secure and abundant in life. There is a sense of fully respecting the self with this eclipse. Being in the present moment with our senses and enjoying the gifts of our earthly experiences is the beauty of this eclipse. The Lunar Eclipse is ready to bring forth an abundance of self love and respect, financial rewards for our past efforts and the ability to feel grounded and at ease within our physical existence.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this powerful + intense Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, please join me over on my Patreon page:
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus on for this Lunar eclipse. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love and support!
© Astromomma, 2023
Image: @ebrulillustrates
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