Full Moon in Leo- Heart Driven Desires, Courageous Leadership, Shining Bright + Being Unstoppable

On January 25th, we have the bright + bold Full Moon at 5 degrees of Leo. Full moons are always very emotional and bring on heightened feelings. They represent endings, culmination and manifestation. Leo, the 5th zodiac sign deals with confidence, leadership, creativity, warmth and being courageous.
The Full Moon in Leo is here to bring forth very heart centered desires to the surface. With the opposing Sun in Aquarius being very intellectual, this full moon will ask us to drop down to our heart to get in touch with our passions and purpose. This Full Moon will demand that we stand up for what we truly desire and deserve. Leo energy is anything but bashful and shy. We will be encouraged to speak up + be fully self expressed. This is a great lunation to see the fruits of our labors around any kind of creative or artistic endeavor. Since Leo rules the heart, there could also be many fiery and passionate declarations around our romantic life.
The higher vibration of this Full Moon in Leo will be the ability to find the courage to be a leader in our life and to follow our heart with conviction with a sense of joy and fun. The lower vibration of this Full Moon in Leo could be arrogance or ego driven desires that lead to lots of drama and unnecessary fighting. The balance that is encouraged lies in the ability to shine our gifts and stand up for ourselves while also not getting too wrapped up in the ego's desires to control or manipulate. This full moon wants us to SHINE and to GLOW but to also be able to encourage others to find their own magic and magnificence.
The Full Moon in Leo will be making a tense aspect (90 degrees) to Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, luck and expansion, who is currently in the Taurus. The Full Moon in Leo in a contentious battle with Jupiter in Taurus could bring on lots of drama and a fixed and stubborn attitude to some of our plans and projects. Both Taurus and Leo are fixed, meaning they like things THEIR way and while both are committed, the level of being "dug in and rigid" is very likely with both. The higher vibration of this aspect is the expansion of our courage that brings in wisdom and long term tenacity mixed with a solid footing. The lower vibration of this aspect could be lots of arguing or just a very stubborn energy of "my way or the highway". It is imperative that we maintain a level of flexibility during this time to avoid getting too wrapped up in the agenda of our ego.
For those folks with their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs on or close to 5 degrees of Leo or the other fixed signs of: Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius, expect massive and dramatic endings and culminations in your life. Something that once brought you joy could end but in turn the universe is ready to bring you something better and more aligned for your growth. There could be completions around anything to do with your physical appearance, home, relationships or work life. For everyone else, check where 5 degrees of Leo falls in your natal chart to see where these heart centered dreams and manifestations will occur for you. I have written the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon ( link below) if you would like to find out more about how this full moon will impact your sign specifically.
The Full Moon in Leo is here to bring forth an awakening of your inner child's need for self expression and joy. There is so much warmth and love that wants to come through with this bright lunation. We are being encouraged to rediscover our passions and what makes us light up + feel good. This Full Moon in Leo wants you to listen to your heart and to hear its wisdom. It is time to express ourselves and to have the courage to pursue our deepest dreams. La luna full in the sign of the lion is here to bring forth massive amounts of courage and passion, the ability to tap into our inner child's need for play + joy and the willpower to be the own leader and creator of our lives.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this fiery Full Moon in Leo, please join me over on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus on for this Full Moon. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love and support!
© Astromomma, 2024
Image: L. Roche
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